Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pictures from the Annapurna Circuit

I'm trying to post just a few pictures from our trek around the Annapurna Circuit. I'm having a terrible time loading them, so I apologize for the size of the thumbnails. I've learned that if you click on the thumbnail image, a full-size (very large) version of the photo will open. Enjoy!

Below is a photo of Adam and I, posing for a few precious moments at the summit of the Thorung La. Note how bundled up we are. It was damn windy and cold!

Above is a picture of Adam and Tiago, hiking along a ridge on our trek up to the ice lake/pond behind Braga. The Annapurna range and Gangapurna mountain (with glacier) is behind. Below is another photo taken from the ice pond walk, of the Annapurna range.

Above is a picture of the Dhauligiri range, just after dawn, from Poon Hill, near the end of the trek. And below is sunrise striking the Annapurna range, from Poon Hill. The middle peak is Annapurna South, which is under 8000m, and the left peak is the deadly 8000m+ Annapurna I. (It looks smaller because it's further away.)

There, hopefully those whet your appetites for now. Cheers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Adam & Robin,

Great to see the frequent updates from your “Eat Trek Climb”, beautiful pictures, and you guys rocks……!!!!! Have fun, and keep posted. Hoping to see you both soon in Toronto.

