Monday, September 1, 2008

Last full day...

Well, it's our last full day in Canada before we depart for NZ. Today will be a full day of packing our backpacks as well as packing all of our clothes which we are not taking. I hope my clothes survive 7 months in boxes. Otherwise my trip clothes will become a more permanent wardrobe.

I am, surprisingly, not feeling any nervousness but that may have something to do with the lack of coffee this morning. I'm hoping that I don't have to give up my coffee habit while travelling too much but I'd better get used to not having a fresh cup of espresso every morning...and Robin had better get used to not having it brought to her in bed!!

Yesterday we finalized our decision on our method of transportation for New Zealand. I'm not going to post what it is until we've arrived and have some pictures to post along with it.

I wish I had been able to get in a bit more climbing over the past week but organizing and packing for this trip has been a full time job! Not really a big deal though as Auckland has an abundance of amazing granite very close to the city. I will definitely need to print out a grade conversion chart; Australian grading to Yosemite grading. I don't want to try to warm up on some 12b and not realize it until having blown a tendon. That and I don't think Robin will appreciate it either.

Not sure if either of us will be posting anything else until we arrive so I will sign off by saying...SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD!!! :-)

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